
General Cancer Prevention Tips
Stay within a few pounds of your ideal weight

That is, be as lean and slim as possible without becoming underweight.

Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day

Find a physical activity that you like – be it brisk walking, jogging, dancing, cycling, swimming or gardening – and do it, every day, for at least half-an-hour each day.

Limit your intake of sugary drinks

e.g., sodas, Kool-Aid, to no more than one (1) each day; and processed foods that are high in added sugar – e.g., cookies, candies, to no more than three (3) each day.

Add more fruits

for example, bananas, oranges, sapodillas, pineapples; vegetables – for example, cabbage, carrots, spinach; and legumes – e.g., black beans, kidney beans, lima beans, as well as green and dry pigeon peas, to your daily diet

Cut down on the amount of red meats

For example, beef, lamb and pork – that you eat on a daily basis, and do not eat processed meats.

Cut down on (or cut out) the amount of alcohol you drink

It is recommended that if you do drink, men should drink no more than two (2) alcoholic drinks each day (that is, no more than 2 beers, or 2 glasses of wine, or 2 shots of “hard” liquor). It is also recommended that women drink no more than one (1) alcoholic beverage each day (that is, one beer, or one glass of wine, or one shot of “hard” liquor each day).

Limit the amount of salt you eat at each meal

Do not add salt to your food at the table. Read labels when grocery shopping. Buy canned or frozen items that say either “no salt, or low salt, or sodium, content”.

Do not use over-the-counter or home brewed supplements to fight cancer

Check with your doctor or health care provider before taking any medicine.


If you smoke now, quit. If you have not started, do not be tempted to start. Tobacco brings no benefits to the human body. However, it has been proven that tobacco takes our health, it takes our life and it takes our money.

Get at least 7 – 8 hours sleep each day, in a quiet, dark room

Visit your doctor or health clinic at least once each year, for a complete physical examination

This should include a prostate exam and PSA blood test for all men who are 40 years and older; a Pap smear test for all sexually active women, a breast examination and mammogram for those 40 years and older.

Reading Material
Reading Material

Learn about the prevention and treatment of various forms of cancer.

12 keys reducing risk of cancer tips
12 keys reducing risk of cancer tips against cancer
Nutrition and Cancer
Nutrition and Cancer Common Sense approach
Caring for your breast
Caring for your breast
Skin Cancer
Skin facts – cancer related checkups
Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer Booklet April
Cancer in Children
Cancer in children
Cancer Checkups
Cancer related checkups
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